Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I haven't had a post in a while, but i've been pretty busy trying to get my winter break to-do list done before break is over (t minus one week). So here are some of the things i've been up to

i got some frames/ paintings at a thrift store in the suburbs. i want to cover the entire wall with them, but i think i'm off to a good start. also the lantern o the book shelf is from world market, and if you've never bought the candles from there i really recommend them. the votives are 99 cents, and they all smell amazing and last a pretty long time. 

this is on my wall too, but i made this one. i just got a canvas from blick and tea stained it by using regular lipton tea and a sponge brush. it took a few hours to dry then i used a micro pen to write the words on there. 

I made this heard garland out of construction paper and some magazine articles (i just cut some hearts out of the text to make it a little more interesting), and i tied them together with twine. i think it came out pretty adorable. 

less of a craft, but i added string lights to the frame of my bed, i just love the way it looks.

my friend daniel just taught me how to crochet. its so much easier than i thought, and way faster than knitting, which i am not patient enough to do. so far i've made a scarf (the start of it is pictured above), and i've started working on a baby blanket for a friend. i love how mindless and simple it is, i mostly work on it on breaks from work or on the train or watching movies. if anybody wants to learn, i'll totally give lessons! i only know one stitch, but you have to start somewhere!

that's all i've got. 
xo lo


  1. Lauren, these your room is looking so cute!

  2. So cute girl! At least you have been very productive over break!!

  3. So cuteeeee! I'm so excited you learned how to crochet :)
